Startopia Wiki

A Slumber Pod is the main piece of furniture in a Berth. It is used by peeps for sleeping. While it provides basic sleeping arrangements for most peeps, only Salt Hogs will really enjoy it. Gem Slugs will avoid it entirely and refuse to sleep in them.

Item Description

Compact and safe, slumber pods automatically induce tiredness into any who enter them. The occupant is woken after precisely the right amount of REM sleep. Although not the most luxurious of accommodation, Slumber Pods are effective and an efficient use of space.

Extra detail

Kasvagorians, Sirens, Turakken and Karmarama will suffer mind penalties for sleeping in one of these. The salt hogs love them, gaining mind and fun points, the Targ like them gaining mind points and the Zedem Monks and Greys tolerate them. All races that use them gain a small amount of food points. Most species will seek out other sleeping arrangements if available.

Slumber (per second)

Groulien Salt-Hog
Grekka Targ
Zedem Monk
Dahanese SirenTurakken
Polvakian Gem Slug

If the player is low on energy, peeps can be 'ejected' from their pods and will still pay the full energy cost amount as if they had exited normally.
